This week: Environmental justice speaker at UNC Charlotte

Naeema Muhammad, organizing co-director of the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, will speak on campus this week at UNC Charlotte.
Muhammad’s work includes a focus on promoting health and equality for people around issues of air quality, water quality, coal ash, fracking and more, through grassroots organizing and grassroots solutions. Her career ncludes advocating for communities that are negatively impacted by industrial hog farms.
Want to go? Here are the details:
When: Thursday, Jan. 30, at 3 p.m.
Where: Popp Martin Student Union Theater.
Cost: Free.
Muhammad is the first Understanding Disparities in an Urbanizing World speaker, supported by the Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund. Her presentation is co-sponsored by UNC Charlotte Department of Public Health Sciences, the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, and the Urban Institute.
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