Lori Thomas, Ph.D.

Lori Thomas, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Charlotte Urban Institute & Regional Data Trust

Dr. Lori Thomas is the executive director of the Charlotte Urban Institute and Charlotte Regional Data Trust – an integrated data system operated by the Institute. She is also an associate professor of social work at UNC Charlotte. Thomas oversees and leads the work of community-engaged researchers and graduate students, and facilitates use of linked administrative data by faculty researchers and community organizations. A Tennessee native, Thomas holds a doctorate in social work from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dr. Thomas’ scholarship interest include programmatic and systemic responses to homelessness and housing instability across the lifespan, particularly among older adults and those with health and mental health disorders. Her research is informed by over 20 years of practice experience in affordable housing, community development, and homelessness, and includes developing and implementing the first housing first permanent supportive housing program in Virginia. Dr. Thomas has also examined the activities, effectiveness, and implications of faith-based human service and advocacy organizations and is co-author of the widely used textbook, Social Work Macro Practice, 7th edition.