Publications and Reports

United Way of Central Carolinas Releases Needs Assessment Full Report
Since the completion of the report in May, UWCC and the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute have held several meetings to inform the greater community about the findings and recommendations from the study. Presentations were made to top CEOs in Mecklenburg County, the United Way Board of Directors, and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Cabinet. Additional presentations […]

Geographers, doctors and community members
The needs assessment was in response to Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s emergence as what Roberto Suro and Audrey Singer of the Pew Hispanic Center and Brookings Institution termed a “Hispanic Hypergrowth Metro.” Between 1990 and 2000 Mecklenburg’s Hispanic population – as captured by the census – grew by more than 38,000 persons (from about 7,000 to 45,000). In […]

City-county consolidation: promises made, promises kept?
City-County consolidation, when a county and the cities within a county merge to form a single government entity, is the most visible and comprehensive change in the local government structure. With an average passage rate of fifteen percent, and only forty total consolidations in the US, city-county consolidation is an extremely rare event. Yet, during […]

NC School Transportation by the Numbers
How do you define good school bus service? If you ask parents or students, you may hear about pickup times, long rides and time spent waiting at school for class to start or the evening bus to arrive. With tightening budgets, school officials are more focused than ever on efficiency, but everyone wants the best […]

2009-2010 Transportation Service Indicators Report
The Transportation Service Indicator Report is released annually by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and compiled at the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute in cooperation with the Institute for Transportation Research and Education at North Carolina State University. This report summarizes operational data for every North Carolina public school district. Based on data […]

Reporting on Growth and Open Space
The Reporting on Growth and Open Space Project produced the Open Space Journalism Resource Manual. The manual combines a wealth of information for journalists on generating story ideas and researching stories on growth, open space and related issues. The Open Space Journalism Resource Manual is available in our web publications section. (Note: this is a […]

1995 Citistates Report
This 1995 report on the region was published in multiple regional newspapers. Written by Neal Peirce, Curtis Johnson and Alex Marshall, it examines a range of regional issues. Download PDF