2015 Data Day to explore changing demographics

A researcher who studies the Millennial generation and how it differs from previous generations of U.S. young adults will be a featured speaker at the third annual Data Day conference Oct. 6-7.
The conference, presented by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, focuses on demographic trends in the Charlotte region. This year it will cover a day and a half, with the full day, Oct. 7, at the main UNC Charlotte campus in the Cone University Center. As before, the conference is free and open to the public.
Events begin Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 2:30 p.m. at the Federal Reserve, Charlotte Branch, 530 E. Trade St. in uptown Charlotte. Sessions will focus on the digital divide and mobile banking, followed at 5:15 by a reception.
Events Wednesday, Oct. 7, begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Cone Center on the main UNC Charlotte campus (see maps here). Richard Fry, senior researcher at the Pew Research Center, will discuss “Comparing Millennials to Previous Generations of Young Adults.”
Fry willl be followed by Regine Jackson, associate professor of sociology at Agnes Scott College, speaking on the “National Assets Scorecard for Communities of Color.”
Sessions and workshops later in the day will cover demographic trends in the Charlotte region, data visualization and presentation tools, interactive mapping tools from the Census Bureau, and changing demographics and economic conditions in North Carolina. Lunch will be provided.
For more information, visit the Data Day 2015 page.
Click below to view the agenda.