Explore new data

The Charlotte Regional Indicators provides critical benchmarks measured over time and compared to state and/or national data for the 14-county, two-state region.*
Follow the links to explore newly updated data with our interactive tools:
- Maternity & Births – 2011 data now available on infant mortality rates and low birth-weight babies
- Mortality – 2011 data now available for all measures (cancer, heart disease, total mortality rate, suicide rate)
The Charlotte Regional Indicator Data Partners provide support for additional data resources.**
See new Council for Children’s Rights data below:
- Foster Care – 2012 data now available
- Child Abuse – 2012 data now available
- Health Care Coverage – 2012 data now available for most measures
*The region includes Anson, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly, and Union counties in North Carolina and Chester, Lancaster, and York counties in South Carolina. The Regional Indicators Project provides objective, reliable, and relevant data that measure the region’s annual progress on a wide range of indicators that impact the region’s quality of life.
The Regional Indicators Project focuses on ten theme areas: Arts, Recreation, and Cultural Life; the Economy; Education; the Environment; Government and Citizen Participation; Health; Housing; Public Safety; Social Well-Being; and Transportation, plus Demographics. Individually, the ten theme areas represent critical components of the region’s quality of life. Collectively, the ten theme areas provide a holistic framework that allows the region to better understand the inter-relationships among them.
**Note that individual indicator partners support the provision of additional data for regions that may vary from the 14-county region listed above.