Have questions? Our Annual Survey can help answer

If your agency or organization would like an affordable, reliable way to gauge public opinion and attitudes, participate in the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute’s Annual Survey of Mecklenburg County residents.
Participating agencies pay only for the questions they want to ask, as a way to share the cost of conducting the survey. The cost also includes key demographic questions, such as gender, age, race and ethnicity, income and employment status.
The survey is a representative sample of 400 Mecklenburg County residents age 18 and older.
The institute can assist with question design, analysis of results and presentation of the results, such as data visualizations.
The next survey is scheduled for January. Hold your place on the survey by contacting Diane Gavarkavich at d.gavarkavich@charlotte.edu by Nov. 1.
More detailed information about the survey, including schedule and pricing, is at /programs/annual-survey.
Staff contact: Diane Gavarkavich at d.gavarkavich@charlotte.edu or at 704-687-1194.