N.C. student grade-level and subject proficiency by district, 2013-14

This week’s maps take a closer look at the newest proficiency data by school district. We have separated the data into two dashboards—one for end-of-grade (EOG) proficiency and one for end-of-course (EOC) proficiency. Each shows proficiency rates of subject and, for the EOGs only, the grade.
The table below the map lists the percent proficient in descending order for all school districts in the state. Choose a grade level and exam subject from the drop-down menus above the map to change the data displayed in the map and table. If the map and table disappear, you have chosen a combination that does not have data. For example, third graders do not take EOG tests in science, so there is no third-grade science proficiency rate.
Although noted in the previous post, it is worth restating that the definition of “proficient” has changed. Through 2012-13, test scores were grouped into four achievement levels, with the top two (levels 3 and 4) considered proficient. In 2013-14, the number of achievement levels increased to 5, and the top 3 (3, 4, and 5) are proficient.
More about the data: Although broad patterns of achievement across the state are fairly consistent for the various grade and subject combinations, the exact rank of districts relative to others can vary greatly. Proficiencies at the district level are likely affected by the varying number of test takers in each district.
EOC biology proficiency is much lower across the state (53.9 percent) than math or English proficiency, particularly in districts with low overall proficiency rates, like those in the eastern and central parts of the state. However, certain northeastern outliers such as Hertford and Halifax County Schools perform higher in biology than any other subject. On the other end of the spectrum, while Whiteville City Schools show average proficiencies in math and English, biology proficiency sinks to the lowest rate in the state (18 percent).
The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute provides weekly maps and data dashboards to highlight relevant statewide education statistics for EducationNC, a nonpartisan, nonprofit news source aiming to create a bipartisan, statewide conversation about public schools. Learn more about this initiative here.