Small Tweaks and Large Shifts in 2023

We are now four weeks into the new year and already past the expiration date of many resolutions. Effective cultural and economic programming normalizes January as a season of change and improvement, as if the other 11 months of the year are not as suitable for such reflection and action.
As this season of self improvement wanes, however, we are asking you to focus some of your remaining resolution energy on our city, our region, and all of us who live here. Read with us as we launch the first of a series of guest contributors to our newsletter. These writers, journalists, academics, and thought leaders have been asked to reflect on the question, What small tweak or large shift would you make in 2023 that would catalyze sustainable growth and ensure more equitable wellbeing in our region?
Our first guest contributor is Phil Veasley who asks us to reimagine Interstate 277 around uptown and provides options to do so. Phil is a transportation engineer with Toole Design and regularly blogs and plans around reconnecting communities around Charlotte, the Triangle, and Atlanta (among others), that were destroyed by 20th century highway and urban renewal projects. He challenges us to consider how repairing some of the segregating impacts of racist policies is still possible.
If you have been reflecting on a small tweak or large shift our city or region needs, pitch it to us. We’d love to hear from you. And as you may have seen in previous editions of this newsletter, we are seeking a new Director of Research Translation and Engagement at the Institute who will help us bring stories, data, and ideas for change to you and our larger region. The application period remains open until February 17th. If you are interested or know of someone who is interested in telling data stories and translating research so it can be used by our community, please let us know or pass this information along.