Youth Risk Index and YMCA and Title 1 School Locations

This map shows the locations of YMCA facilities and youth programs (Starfish Academy and the Y Achievers Program) as well as Title I schools, all in relation to the youth risk index of Charlotte neighborhoods.
Starfish Academy is a YMCA program that serves pre-k through second grade students who are currently reading below grade level and works to help them improve their literacy skills. Children are chosen by teachers and principals and come primarily from families who are living at or below the poverty level. The program is offered to families at no cost. Starfish Academy takes place primarily in Title I schools, which are schools with predominantly at-risk and low income students.
Y Achievers is a national, evidence-based college readiness program designed to help teens set and achieve high educational and career goals. Through academic support, career exploration and mentoring, this program helps youth raise their academic standards, develop a positive sense of self, build character, explore diverse college and career options, and meet and interact with professionals who serve as role models. The YMCA of Greater Charlotte is planning to launch this program through partnerships between three YMCA branch facilities and three area high schools.
Title I, previously known as No Child Left Behind, is the largest federal education program. Its intent is to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on state academic performance standards. Schools receive funding under Title I if 75% or more of the student population is considered economically disadvantaged.
The youth risk index is an approximation of the number of at-risk youth living in a neighborhood. It was calculated by combining four indicators from the 2010 Charlotte Neighborhood Quality of Life Study: teen births, high school dropouts, juvenile arrests, and food stamp recipients.