Charlotte Regional Indicators: New look, new function

Our Regional Indicators website now has a new home on the institute’s main website. You’ll find all the data that was on the previous site, but with improved functionality and a new look.
Why make the change? We have several reasons.
First, the new design will be easier for readers to use and to find what they’re looking for, with fewer pages to jump between and more interactive features on the charts and maps.
Second, offering and analyzing data are key and growing parts of what we do at the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, especially since the Institute for Social Capital joined us in 2012. Integrating the Regional Indicators data resources into the institute’s main website will emphasize this role and allow us, in the future, to integrate other data resources into one main portal.
Last but not least, we want our web publications to make clear to readers that we are a proud part of UNC Charlotte. Our redesign is part of an ongoing process over several years to bring a unified look to all the university’s varied departments and online pages.
Two examples, below and right, provide snapshots of some of the many features available with the new system.
We hope you’ll like what you see. As you look through our newly designed offerings, please let us know if you encounter difficulties, have problems or otherwise just want to let us know what you think. Click here to email us.