ISC announces faculty research grant award

The first recipient of a faculty research grant from the Institute for Social Capital, Inc. (ISC) will be Dr. Mason Haber, assistant professor in the UNC Charlotte Department of Psychology.
The ISC this fall announced the creation of its first ISC Faculty Research Grant. The purpose of the grant is to provide funding to UNC Charlotte faculty for research projects using data from the ISC Community Database to address problems in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.
Through collaboration with nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, ISC holds data from multiple community agencies in one integrated community database. By integrating these datasets, researchers can examine community issues that cut across different institutions and agencies.
Haber will use the grant funds to assist with his project, Adult Outcomes of Youth Formerly in Public Behavioral Health Programs: The Role of Transition Services. Haber will also receive a funded Data License Request from the ISC Community Database to support his research efforts.
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