UNC Charlotte Urban Institute Announces Regional Indicators Website

The Institute established the Charlotte Regional Indicators Project in 2007 to provide a data resource to enhance our understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the Charlotte region. This latest initiative of the Indicators Project moves beyond the old format of a printed report (which resulted in data becoming obsolete as soon as it was published), and uses web-based technology to provide regular updates of data as they are released.
Beyond gathering data from a range of sources and packaging it specifically for our region, the site offers commentary, analysis, mapping and context to help shed light on the trends and changes affecting our environment, economy and quality of life.
In a new program born out of the Indicators Project, the Institute is now working in partnership with a growing number of local and regional agencies to pool data resources and create a central clearinghouse of local data and expertise. The Regional Indicators Partners Program will dedicate special pages within the Indicators website to house data specific to each partner’s needs and the communities they serve. Those pages will tap into the regional data resources of the Charlotte Regional Indicators Project, as well as contribute additional data for the benefit of all who use the website.
We hope you will take time to explore the offerings of this exciting new resource. We also welcome your feedback as we strive to make this site a sort of “community commons,” where the data and commentary found therein will spark conversations and dialogue across the region as we all strive for a shared vision of what the Charlotte region can be. In this spirit, we appreciate and encourage feedback on ways we can improve the utility of the site for you, our users.
The Institute wishes to thank the many partners who have made this website possible. In addition to the annual, sustaining support of our Regional Indicators Partners, several major funders have provided the resources necessary to launch this ambitious endeavor: Advantage Carolina, Foundation For The Carolinas, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.
Please enjoy our new site (http://ri.charlotte.edu).
Photograph by Nancy Pierce