
Who comprises the remote workforce of Mecklenburg County?
By Katie Zager
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, thousands of workers were directed to work from home. The change was abrupt. And, at the time, there was no way to predict how long remote work would stick around.
To this day, there is much uncertainty about the future of remote work. What we do know, however, is the work-from-home shift has made a lasting impact on our communities […]

Poverty Rates Decline in Charlotte Region
By Katie Zager
New data from the American Community Survey(ACS) shows that poverty rates have decreased in Charlotte and surrounding areas. Among the 14 counties in the region, eight (60%) saw a statistically significant decrease in poverty. The region performed better than the nation as a whole, where about 36% of counties had a significant change in poverty rates […]

More Millennials in Charlotte are choosing to live alone
Despite higher housing costs, more adults in Mecklenburg County are living on their own. Over the past eight years, Mecklenburg County has seen a decrease in the number of adults living with non-relatives (presumably roommates), and an increase of adults living alone, or with their own children. Fewer adults are doubling-up. In 2022, about one […]

Residential Mobility in the Charlotte Region
The Charlotte region is known for its dynamic and fast-growing population, but it turns out that more residents than ever are staying in place. Residential mobility can be measured by looking at the percentage of people who have lived in their homes for a year or more – the longer people stay in their homes, […]

The 2020 Census: What data are coming, what will we know – and when?
As community members and researchers, we are eagerly awaiting the results of the 2020 census. Here are some answers to common questions we’ve received about what’s happening. What data does the 2020 census include? The decennial census (2020) is required to be completed by every household in the U.S. The primary purpose of the census, […]

See how many people in your neighborhood have taken the Census
The 2020 Census is crucial for making policy, assigning Congressional seats and divvying up resources for the decade to come, but it’s one of the many institutions facing a big challenge from the coronavirus. Census response forms were sent nationwide last week, inviting people to respond online. People who respond online, over the phone or […]

Our population is more concentrated in cities — and increasingly diverse
There’s a common narrative about people in rural areas seeking opportunities: they should go to the big city and leave the country behind. Rural counties are often seen as hollowed out or in decline, while cities and their adjacent suburbs boom. While population in the Carolinas Urban-Rural Connection study area has become much more concentrated […]

Charlotte suburbs grow faster as developers seek cheap land
In 2018, Mecklenburg County issued over 5,000 permits for single family housing. That’s more than double the next fastest growing county: York, in South Carolina. But while Mecklenburg is still a major contributor to new housing in the region, it’s making up a smaller proportion of permits issued and now only accounts for about one […]

Charlotte is growing – literally – as the city annexes more land
You’ve probably heard a few catchy statistics about Charlotte’s explosive growth: For example, the city’s population increased by 47 people a day from 2010 to 2018. But did you know that over the same period, Charlotte also grew by more than a square mile each year? Since 2010, Charlotte’s total land area has increased by […]

Closer to Charlotte? Faster growth
Recently released U.S. Census figures show continuing growth in almost all the towns and cities in the Charlotte region, and one factor driving growth appears to be proximity to Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The Census numbers show Charlotte continues to be one of the nation’s fastest-growing large cities. The Census population estimate for 2017, released […]