
N.C. student grade-level and subject proficiency by district, 2013-14
This week’s maps take a closer look at the newest proficiency data by school district. We have separated the data into two dashboards—one for end-of-grade (EOG) proficiency and one for end-of-course (EOC) proficiency. Each shows proficiency rates of subject and, for the EOGs only, the grade. The table below the map lists the percent proficient […]

Mapping N.C. student overall proficiency by district, 2013-14
This week’s map looks at the newest proficiency data for school districts for end-of-grade (EOG) and end-of-course (EOC) exams. EOG proficiency rates reflect the share of all end-of-grade tests taken (3rd-8th for reading and math, 5th-8th for science) that were scored proficient. EOC proficiency rates are the percent of all end-of-course tests taken (in Math […]

Per-pupil expenditures by type, 2010-2014
This week’s map takes a closer look at how per-pupil expenditures are spent at the district level. The types of per-pupil expenditures include employee benefits, instructional equipment, purchased services, salaries, and supplies and materials. Hover over the map to view where per-pupil expenditures are spent and the percent of per-pupil expenditures spent in the selected […]

Per pupil expenditures, 2004-2014
This week’s map looks at per pupil expenditures for each school district by federal, state and local funding sources. Choose from the menu above the map to select a funding source, and use the slide bar to change the school year. Hover over the map to view per pupil expenditures and the percentage of per […]

SAT scores and participation by school, 2013-14
This week’s map looks at SAT scores and participation at the school level, 2013-14. Choose your district and a specific measure from the dropdown menus above the map. All the numbers are also provided in the table to the right for the schools in the district selected, as well as the district, state and national […]

SAT Scores and Partipation, 2013-4
This week’s map looks at SAT scores and participation in 2013-14. The SAT exam measures the critical reading, math and writing abilities of students, providing critical measures of college readiness. Choose a test component or the percentage of students who took the SAT exam from the dropdown menu above the map. All the numbers are […]

High school graduation rate demographics by school for 2013-14
This week’s map shows high school graduation rates at the school level and presents the latest numbers for various demographic groups. Choose a district and demographic group from the menu to the right of the map to see the rates for students of a particular race/ethnicity, sex, socio-economic status, English proficiency, or gifted status. Schools […]

2013-2014 High School Graduation Rate Demographics
This week’s map continues exploring high school graduation rates across the state and presents the latest numbers for various demographic groups. Choose from the menu below the map to see the rates for students of a particular race/ethnicity, sex, socio-economic status, English ability, or gifted status. Districts in blue are above the state average for […]

Cohort graduation rates by N.C. school district, 2013-2014
This week’s map looks at the latest high school graduation rates across the state. While statewide, 83.9 percent of students graduated in four years, graduation rates for school districts range from around 70 percent to 95 percent. Districts in blue are above the state average, and those in orange are below. A few observations: Around […]

Comparing demographics with free or reduced lunch, 2012-2013
This week’s map looks at the intersection of two previous topics: student demographics and free and reduced lunch applicants. Staff