Can Sun Belt sibling cities learn from each other?
HOUSTON — One city was built on oil and shipping in a hot, humid swampy spot laced with small waterways. Its former biracial dynamics have changed, as immigration boosted Latino and Asian populations. It’s growing rapidly – and that includes rapid growth in income inequality. Another city was built on textiles and banking in a […]

Is Charlotte’s bike plan update good enough?
Are master plans really worth the effort? Skeptics discount them, charging that they are little more than feel-good exercises in wishful thinking. Such critiques have currency for some plans but not all. When done right, a plan states which policies are more important and includes metrics to gauge outcomes; it charts timelines for putting recommendations […]

His plan: Help Charlotte manage its growth
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department has begun a large public initiative to produce a new zoning ordinance – the first big rewrite since a contentious one in the 1980s-1990s. PlanCharlotte editor Mary Newsom met with interim Planning Director Ed McKinney to hear how the process is going. They talked about how to preserve neighborhood character, what […]

Survey offers guidance for biking equity in Charlotte
More cycling in Charlotte is good for you, even if you never mount a bicycle. More butts on bikes means less congestion and noise on local roads, cleaner air, fewer traffic fatalities and ultimately a lighter burden on our health care system. Purchasing, operating, and maintaining a bicycle is also many times cheaper as a […]

Raised in Charlotte, now planning Atlanta’s growth
Charlotte for years has had a love-hate view of Atlanta, with civic leaders envying their fellow southeastern metro for its big-city status, achieved decades earlier than Charlotte’s. But sprawling growth and traffic congestion in the Georgia capital city fuel a We Don’t Want To Become Like Atlanta counterpoint. Last year a Charlottean became Atlanta’s planning […]

Can Charlotte learn these lessons in time to save lower South End?
[highlightrule]Can lower South End survive the large-scale cookie-cutter development now ravaging South End and NoDa? Charlotte can learn some lessons from another Millennial magnet city, Des Moines. Yes, Des Moines. [/highlightrule] In post-election America, consensus seems as unreachable as the lost land of Atlantis. Republican “Middle America” has triumphed over the Democratic coastal regions, and […]

How to safeguard Charlotte’s trees? Plan aims to support the canopy
Imagine: Charlotte neighborhoods with their own master plans to care for their trees. A citywide initiative to pinpoint neighborhoods with few trees and then help get trees planted there. A dependable, dedicated source of public money to care for Charlotte’s street trees. Assistance for low-income homeowners who can’t afford to give proper care to large […]

An ’80s tale: How rural preservation didn’t happen
[highlightrule]Choices made decades ago ruled out the preservation of large-scale green belts or farmlands in Mecklenburg. This is the story of how that came about. [/highlightrule] You can drive south down Dixie River Road beyond the venerable Dixie Grill & Grocery and for 2 miles you’ll see only woods, a few driveways and the scattered […]

Feds want metro transportation planning less fractured. Good luck with that.
What, exactly, is Charlotte’s metro region, and how cohesive is that region’s transportation planning? Those questions have bedeviled planners for decades. Now, a new proposal from the U.S. Department of Transportation aims to make urban regions’ transportation planning more cohesive, a proposal possibly stemming from Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx’s frustrations as Charlotte mayor. But will […]

Speeding suburbanization south of Charlotte – what’s a planner to do?
Although Charlotte is rapidly growing, the area just south of the city is growing even faster. From 2000 to 2014, Charlotte’s population grew 43 percent while that of unincorporated Indian Land more than tripled. Lancaster County Planning Director Penelope G. Karagounis. Photo: Mary Newsom Indian Land is in the Lancaster County, S.C., panhandle – a […]