Women's Issues

Three community leaders share their thoughts on finding solutions in 2023
Editor’s Note: This article is a part of a series of guest contributors considering the question, “What small tweak or large shift would you make in 2023 that would catalyze sustainable growth and ensure equitable wellbeing in our region?” Ask anyone in Charlotte-Mecklenburg what issues are most important to them and you’ll get a short […]

Preventing Violence in Our Community
The Philadelphia Eagles Have the Right Idea: Preventing Violence in Our Community In January, the Philadelphia Eagles launched a campaign centered around preventing firearm violence in Philadelphia, citing poverty and unemployment as contributors to violence. They’re not wrong. Socioeconomic status is linked to multiple types of violence. This campaign comes as an Eagles player was […]

Searching for stability: The pandemic’s impact on Black women and their families in Charlotte
Dr. Kendra Jason Dr. Tehia Starker Glass Dr. Janaka Bowman Lewis This project is part of the third cohort of Gambrell Faculty Fellows. Read about the fellows progam and other projects here. The COVID-19 pandemic is an earthquake that shook us all — but not everyone has the same foundation to ride out the quake […]

Join us: A conversation about issues impacting our communities
UNC Charlotte in collaboration with the UNC Press presents: ‘As a Matter of Fact’ – Conversations with UNC Press Authors Join Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, on Nov. 12, at 6 p.m. in conversation with UNC Charlotte’s Dr. Lori Thomas about Taylor’s 2019 book, Race for Profit: How […]

The gendered implications of COVID-19
We are exposing women to COVID-19. We are killing women as they are trying to save us. — Dr. Michelle Meggs What are the gendered implications of COVID-19 for women doing the work that keeps many of us alive? At the front lines of this pandemic, women are overburdened, an unseen labor force that keeps […]

Interest from women fuels rise in hunting
During hunting season, photos of beaming young women often grace the pages of The Montgomery Herald. Dressed head to toe in camo, they pose with a turkey or deer. The Uwharries seem to be on the cutting edge of a national trend. According to a 2011 report by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the […]

The Power of Data: Accessing and Using Women’s Summit Research
This presentation was given at the 2012 Women’s Summit, during interactive, hands-on sessions on how to use the Wonmen’s Summit Indicator Partner website. The presentation includes an introduction to the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, the Charlotte Regional Indicators Project, and the Women’s Summit Indicator Partner website. Download PDF

Empowering women transforms societies: Women’s Summit 2012
In Mecklenburg County, women are appointed to city and county boards at the same rate that they are applying. If more women run for board positions, more are likely to be appointed, and it takes just three women on a board to really influence decisions being made. This was just one of the messages presented […]

Women’s Summit sponsors new online resource
You may already know that, as a group, women tend to earn less than men. Something that may surprise you is that in 2010, smaller percentages of women were overweight or obese compared to their male counterparts in Mecklenburg County. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Women’s Summit is a center for women’s public policy and leadership development in […]