Matthews at the crossroads: Can it grow up, instead of just grow?
When I moved to Charlotte more than 30 years ago, Matthews was the suburb. It lay directly in the path of the major growth trajectory – southeast. The drive to central Charlotte was a reasonable 25-30 minutes. The cute, but miniature, downtown Matthews and a few surrounding blocks of turn-of-the-century houses gave a historic feel […]

We live with ghosts of cities past
It’s that time of year again – when the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and yet to come arrive to haunt the old miser, Ebenezer Scrooge. It is nearly impossible to extricate Charles Dickens’ works, including his beloved A Christmas Carol, from the city in which they are set: Victorian-era, dirty, industrial London. You can […]

Why is restoring NoDa’s textile mills so hard?
In any other time, the request might not have been so hard. But a nonprofit developer’s plea last week to use $2.3 million in city money from federal grants to help repair Charlotte’s historic Mecklenburg Mill came after a recession and a brutal, lingering downturn. It also came after the City of Charlotte had already […]

Downtown Salisbury honored as one of America’s 10 Great Neighborhoods
Downtown Salisbury has been named one of “10 Great Neighborhoods” for 2012 by the American Planning Association through its program, Great Places in America. APA’s flagship program celebrates places of exemplary character, quality, and planning. The only other Southern cities honored were Memphis and Baton Rouge, La. Joe Morris, Salisbury’s director of community planning services, […]

Fire towers: History with a view
In the Western United States, fire season generally runs from April to September. This year has seen historic fires. The largest wildfire on record in New Mexico started in the Gila National Forest in May, eventually growing to nearly 300,000 acres. A record heat wave in June helped spur the Waldo Canyon fire, Colorado’s most […]

City pushes Carolina Theatre rivals to work together on plans
Charlotte city officials are pushing two groups with competing visions for the future of the Carolina Theatre to work together to help save the history-rich venue that’s been vacant, on a prominent uptown corner, for more than 30 years. The two groups on Thursday pitched differing proposals for the city-owned facility to a Charlotte City […]

Don’t squander chance for a great public park
This article opposes plans to build a new ballpark for the Charlotte Knights uptown. Read architect Marley Carroll’s article supporting the idea here. Missing from recent discussions about granting more public money for a privately developed baseball park in Third Ward is any talk about the potential advantages of using the land for public purposes […]

Renewal in Belmont and Villa Heights
The Charlotte neighborhoods of Belmont and Villa Heights are experiencing an influx of white, professional residents in search of affordable housing close to uptown. Piedmont Courts, a housing project that dates to the 1940s, is gone, and crime is declining. Click here to read the article about the neighborhoods’ revival. Photographs by Nancy Pierce.

Uptown time traveler
How has uptown Charlotte changed in the past century? Launch the map below for an interactive graphic that depicts the dramatic change since 1911. A century ago, uptown’s urban pattern was fine-grained, with numerous small buildings on small lots. Today that fine-grained fabric has been lost. The modern projects have giant-sized footprints, often taking up […]

Gastonia, New York, Jane Jacobs and me
New York City and Gastonia don’t, at first glance, appear to have much in common. Yet both Manhattan and the much smaller city in the Piedmont of North Carolina can offer an example of “urbanism.” And both have suffered grave harm from well-intentioned “progress.” Charlotte architect Terry Shook, speaking last month at the showing of […]