
A new tool to find out-of-school time programs in Mecklenburg
The Council for Children’s Rights has partnered with the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute to create a locator map of “out-of-school-time” programs in Mecklenburg County. The interactive map allows users to identify programs based on a specific neighborhood location by zooming in on the map. Users can also select programs by location, program name, zip code […]

Moving to Charlotte? You’re not alone
People move to Charlotte from all over the United States (and around the world). This trend has continued for several decades and shows no sign of slowing. What has been changing is where those people are moving from. And, believe it or not, Mecklenburg County loses more people to some locations than it gains. Recently […]

Has Charlotte metro income really declined?
Recently the site reported that of the largest U.S. metros, only Charlotte’s median income, “experienced a statistically significant decline” in 2013. What’s going on? That statement may signal to the casual reader that wages are sinking in the Charlotte region. In reality, however, that “statistically significant decline” appears to be the result of a […]

SAT scores track income in North Carolina
Want to know which of the state’s public high schools have above-average SAT scores? A map of income is a good place to start. Nationally, average SAT scores have bumped along in a narrow range since the late 1980s. (Read more.) A similar pattern is evident in North Carolina’s state-level scores over time. Comparing individual […]

Big urban gains, rural losses in the Carolinas
North Carolina continues to grow faster than the U.S. average and faster than all but two other Southeastern states.* That growth is increasingly uneven and concentrated in the metro areas of Charlotte and Raleigh. The Carolinas have a long history of being a small-town and small-city region of the country. The latest census population estimates […]

Charlotte transit stations: realizing development potential?
Development patterns along Charlotte’s Blue Line, which opened in November 2007, show a mixed bag of more low-density neighborhoods than planners recommend, but still a blend of homes, workplaces and stores. That means the corridor is brimming with opportunity for its 15 station areas to develop more intensely, and in a way that puts walkable, […]

The landscape of advanced classes in CMS
As Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools strives to meet the needs of all 141,171 students, part of its charge is to ensure that all students are ready for either careers or college. Of the almost 40,000 CMS high school students, how many will graduate ready for college? AP as a measure of college readiness CMS has clearly stated […]

Boundary change boosts Charlotte metro population
In January, the Charlotte metro area population was 1.8 million people. In February, the metro area population was 2.3 million. Where did the half-million people come from? New boundaries were drawn for metropolitan statistical areas. In February 2013, new MSA definitions* took effect. The changes, based on commuting ties among counties, are part of an […]

Charlotte metro: Still high-growth, still strong at core
Of metro areas with more than 1 million people, Charlotte ranked ninth nationally in population growth from 2011 to 2012. That growth was strongest at the center of the metro area, in Mecklenburg County, which outpaced the suburban counties in the region for the second year. Charlotte’s ninth rank in growth came from a list […]

How Charlotte area school districts scored on the SAT
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has an average score just below the N.C. state average for combined math and reading scores as well as the total combined score that includes writing (second map). Schools within CMS ranged widely, from more than 1,700 to less than 1,200 on the total combined scores (math, critical reading and writing). The last […]