UNC Charlotte

State bonds reflect N.C. history as well as today’s outlook
When I came to UNC Charlotte as director of the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute in 2003, the campus didn’t look all that different from the campus I visited in the 1980s to see family and friends at what many in the region still referred to as a “commuter school.” And for those students who traveled […]

At 80, biologist Matthews still stalks the threatened landscapes
By Amber Veverka

Need a speaker? Institute offers speakers list
UNC Charlotte Urban Institute staffers are experienced speakers and presenters on a variety of topics. In order to assist civic groups or others who may be seeking someone to give a talk or presentation, we’ve created a list of the staff members who are available, their areas of expertise, and how to contact them. Click […]

Geographer Stuart helped put ‘region’ in Charlotte regionalism
Those of us who knew Al Stuart are saddened by his passing on Nov. 1. Dr. Alfred Stuart, professor emeritus of geography and earth sciences, had a long and distinguished career at UNC Charlotte. I had the good fortune to work with him for more than 40 years, and I believe we should take a […]

Institute study finds positives for McPIE initiative
A higher proportion of middle school students who participated in STEM activities sponsored by a public-private partnership passed eighth- and ninth-grade Common Core math and science exams. Participants also averaged fewer days absent from school in 2013-14 than their counterparts at the school, in the school district and statewide. [highlight] Download a summary of the […]

Celebrating five years in the digital world
Consider it a victory for the digital natives. When the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute was first considering creating a public policy journal focusing on the Charlotte region, our thinking was old school: Recruit talent from across the institute, university and region, and provide a quarterly print journal for them to share expertise and insights with […]

Mapping Charlotte in your mind
Each of us has a different image in our minds of what constitutes a place. Is it the road network? The buildings? The people? One UNC Charlotte geography professor has been asking students on the first day of class to draw a map of Charlotte. He doesn’t tell them what type of map, or even […]

Jackson: Sprawling cities, towns may be killing us
Richard Jackson thinks it’s time to stop blaming individuals for the U.S. obesity problem. The problem, he believes, is far more systemic, including the automobile-centric design of modern American life and the ready availability of high-sugar and high-fat foods. He thinks today’s parental fears of child abductions are not realistic and hurt children’s need for […]

Building an environment for better health: Event April 8
Can the buildings, streets and sidewalks around you change your health? Richard J. Jackson thinks they can. Jackson, professor at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, has made the creation of healthier environments his life’s work. He’s the author of books including Urban Sprawl and Public Health, published in 2004, which examined the connections between […]

Your neighborhood has a story; learn how to tell it
Every neighborhood has a story, but often the people who live there don’t know what they are or where to find them. Does it have a special landmark that ought to be preserved? What about an interesting history? Maybe it has environmental treasures or distinctive architectural features. Materials from workshops available online. Click here to […]