United Way

Report finds strengths, challenges in United Way’s Collective Impact initiative
Research by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute for United Way of Central Carolinas has found that almost 90 percent of at-risk Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools students who took part in programs from 14 local United Way-funded agencies over three or more years graduated from high school. The research also found that at-risk students served by UWCC-funded agencies […]

Report finds strengths, challenges in United Way’s Collective Impact initiative
Research by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute for United Way of Central Carolinas has found that almost 90 percent of at-risk Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools students who took part in programs from 14 local United Way-funded agencies over three or more years graduated from high school. The research also found that at-risk students served by UWCC-funded agencies […]

Report tallies gains from United Way’s Collective Impact initiative
It’s a simple concept: Focus on fewer goals and bigger results. That’s the idea behind the Collective Impact approach United Way of Central Carolinas (UWCC) has adopted. For United Way that goal for the next 10 years is to increase the graduation rate among the more than 13,000 at-risk children who receive services from 16 […]

Collective Impact for Children and Youth Baseline Report
The Collective Impact Baseline study is part of United Way’s pilot initiative to increase the graduation rate over the next 10 years for the community’s most vulnerable youth. This data will form the baseline against which United Way and its agencies will be measured in the goal to increase the graduation rate for at-risk children […]

Charlotte’s economic recovery struggles to take hold
Charlotte has lagged much of the country in this period of economic recovery, but the region has finally begun to see a few small signs of better days on the horizon. Over the past several months, there has been gradual improvement in the unemployment rate and home price index in the region. These bright spots […]

Preventing high school dropouts: What really works?
Last year’s high school dropouts will cost North Carolina an estimated $4.4 billion in lost income, taxes and productivity over the students’ lifetimes, according to a recent Alliance for Excellent Education report.[1] Although most people understand that education level affects income, it may come as a surprise just how much of a difference a high […]

Research-Informed Dropout Prevention Programs Summary Table
As part of United Way’s Collective Impact Initiative for Children & Youth, The Larry King Center of the Council for Children’s Rights conducted a comprehensive review of dropout prevention programs. This summary table presents information about research-informed dropout interventions and practices being put into action across the country. The following information is included for each […]

School Dropout Predictors Annotated Bibliography
As part of United Way’s Collective Impact Initiative for Children & Youth, The Larry King Center of the Council for Children’s Rights conducted a comprehensive literature review of factors that influence school dropout and graduation rates. This annotated bibliography is one of three products from this research and presents more than 40 peer-reviewed journal articles […]

Dropout Predictors Summary Table
As part of United Way’s Collective Impact Initiative for Children & Youth, The Larry King Center of the Council for Children’s Rights conducted a comprehensive literature review of factors that influence school dropout and graduation rates. This summary table is one of three products from this research and categorizes the dropout predictors by developmental timeframe […]

United Way Partners with UNC Charlotte Urban Institute on Five County Needs Assessment
At United Way, we talk about “creating lasting change for those most in need.” Fulfilling that mission requires not just measurement of community needs, but a source of data that is sufficiently comprehensive to ensure that changes are far-reaching and can be tracked over time. Yet for many years, no such resource existed. Certainly there […]