
For our future: Make Charlotte a welcoming city
The last five years have been among the most challenging in the nearly 250-year history of Charlotte. The Great Recession erased the mythology that our community was invulnerable to the vicissitudes of national economic fortunes. Home construction, property values, business investment, and community philanthropy plunged downward at rates not seen since the Depression. Unemployment rates […]

Charlotte transit stations: realizing development potential?
Development patterns along Charlotte’s Blue Line, which opened in November 2007, show a mixed bag of more low-density neighborhoods than planners recommend, but still a blend of homes, workplaces and stores. That means the corridor is brimming with opportunity for its 15 station areas to develop more intensely, and in a way that puts walkable, […]

Goodwill online resources
There are two new resources on Goodwill’s Regional Indicators partner page – an interactive map of Goodwill locations and the updated Youth Services Catalog. Goodwill Store Locations Map Click here to explore the interactive store and donation map pictured above. Goodwill puts people to work through its chain of retail stores, literally at the stores’ […]

N.C. unemployment benefits take a dramatic hit
The unemployment insurance reform bill, which Gov. Pat McCrory signed in February, cuts benefits to the jobless in two ways. It reduces the amount of weekly benefits for some of the state’s unemployed and the total number of weeks that benefits are paid. The way these benefit changes are structured will cause additional federal cuts […]

Advanced manufacturing: Economic lifeline?
“In 1965, if you had a good back and a good alarm clock, you could make a good living in Milwaukee,” Mayor Tom Barrett told a recent Raleigh conference, because of the strength, at the time, of that city’s manufacturing sector. Although rural Stanly County is very different, that Milwaukee attitude was also the prevailing […]

Gaston, once a manufacturing sector powerhouse, now lags Union
Local perceptions may not have caught up with the new reality in the Charlotte region’s manufacturing economy. Even before the recession began in 2007, declines in the textile and furniture industries were changing the structure of local employment. As the downturn continued, counties that depended less on textile and furniture manufacturing lost fewer jobs. The […]

Charlotte economic outlook improves for first quarter
The first quarter 2013 Charlotte Business Confidence Index report, released Jan. 2, shows Mecklenburg County business leaders’ optimism about economic prospects in the first quarter 2013 improved compared to their expectations for the fourth quarter 2012. The overall index value of 54.2, an increase of 1.8 points compared to the fourth quarter 2012, represents improved […]

Voters’ economic outlook isn’t pushing them to the polls
Are people who are unemployed or financially distressed more likely to vote than those who have jobs or are financially sound? According to data going back to the 1992 general election, they are not. Time will tell whether the job losses and damaged personal finances of the Great Recession featured in this election campaign will […]

Charlotte’s economic recovery struggles to take hold
Charlotte has lagged much of the country in this period of economic recovery, but the region has finally begun to see a few small signs of better days on the horizon. Over the past several months, there has been gradual improvement in the unemployment rate and home price index in the region. These bright spots […]

The decline (and rise?) of Carolina manufacturing
After decades of decline, manufacturing jobs across the country have seen a modest uptick. This long period of industry restructuring has left a strikingly different geography of manufacturing in the Carolinas; we still make furniture and textiles, but that’s no longer the whole story. New industries have taken root. Many offer higher wages than the […]