
Crockpot squirrel, beaver pot roast, catfish dip: Spotlighting wild food
Growing up, we had a lot of wild foods – things like persimmon pudding and blackberry pie – which I never realized might be considered wild foods. For the past few years I have been an avid hunter of deer, doves, squirrel and turkey, but this year I’ve expanded my interests into hunting rabbit, grouse […]

Parasitic plants
The term “parasite” may bring to mind something that at best is an ugly nuisance, and at worst is a gruesome horror story – everything from common ticks and chiggers to one particularly disturbing story that popped up in my Facebook feed recently with images of a botfly being removed from someone’s eyeball. I did […]

Food for Thought
With our warm late summer temperatures, moist conditions from humidity and evening thunderstorms, this is certainly the time of year to spot mushrooms in the woods. Growing up in the area, I’d always took note of mushrooms, but rarely given them more than a passing glance. Then a few years ago, I overheard a biologist […]